Powers of competent authorities

Competent authoritiesas defined in Article 46 should have all required supervisory, investigative and sanctioning powers to ensure the proper exercise of their duties under this Regulation. They should, in principle, publish notices of the administrative penalties they impose. Since financial entitiesas defined in Article 2, points (a) to (t) and ICT third-party service providersan undertaking providing ICT services can be established in different Member States and supervised by different competent authoritiesas defined in Article 46, the application of this Regulation should be facilitated by, on the one hand, close cooperation among relevant competent authoritiesas defined in Article 46, including the ECB with regard to specific tasks conferred on it by Council Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013, and, on the other hand, by consultation with the ESAsEuropean Supervisory Authority through the mutual exchange of information and the provision of assistance in the context of relevant supervisory activities.