RTS on ICT risk management and on the simplified ICT risk management framework

This is the regulatory technical standard (RTS) on ICT risk management framework as adopted by the European Commission according to DORA Article 15 and 16 using the preliminary version published on EUR-Lex on 13 March 2024 as source.

This text is provided as-is and should not be relied upon as an authoritative source. Instead consult the Official Journal final version which is published on EUR-Lex as of 25 June 2024.

We are not aware of any material differences between the preliminary and authoritative versions but will make sure to update these pages to reflect the authoritative as soon as possible.

The full name of the RTS is Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1774 of 13 March 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying ICT risk management tools, methods, processes, and policies and the simplified ICT risk management framework.

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Table of Contents


1 – 30


Title II

Further harmonisation of ICT risk management tools, methods, processes, and policies in accordance with article 15 of regulation (EU) 2022/2554

Chapter I

ICT security policies, procedures, protocols, and tools

Section I

Article 2

General elements of ICT security policies, procedures, protocols, and tools

Section II

Article 3

ICT risk management

Section III

ICT asset management

Article 4

ICT asset management policy

Article 5

ICT asset management procedure

Section IV

Encryption and cryptography

Article 6

Encryption and cryptographic controls

Article 7

Cryptographic key management

Section V

ICT operations security

Article 8

Policies and procedures for ICT operations

Article 9

Capacity and performance management

Article 10

Vulnerability and patch management

Article 11

Data and system security

Article 12


Section VI

Network security

Article 13

Network security management

Article 14

Securing information in transit

Section VII

ICT project and change management

Article 15

ICT project management

Article 16

ICT systems acquisition, development, and maintenance

Article 17

ICT change management

Section VIII

Article 18

Physical and environmental security

Chapter II

Human resources policy and access control

Article 19

Human resources policy

Article 20

Identity management

Article 21

Access control

Chapter III

ICT-related incident detection and response

Article 22

ICT-related incident management policy

Article 23

Anomalous activities detection and criteria for ICT-related incidents detection and response

Chapter IV

ICT business continuity management

Article 24

Components of the ICT business continuity policy

Article 25

Testing of the ICT business continuity plans

Article 26

ICT response and recovery plans

Chapter V

Report on the ICT risk management framework review

Article 27

Format and content of the report on the review of the ICT risk management framework

Title III

Simplified ICT risk management framework for financial entities referred to in article 16(1) of regulation (EU) 2022/2554

Chapter I

Simplified ICT risk management framework

Article 28

Governance and organisation

Article 29

Information security policy and measures

Article 30

Classification of information assets and ICT assets

Article 31

ICT risk management

Article 32

Physical and environmental security

Chapter II

Further elements of systems, protocols, and tools to minimise the impact of ICT risk

Article 33

Access Control

Article 34

ICT operations security

Article 35

Data, system and network security

Article 36

ICT security testing

Article 37

ICT systems acquisition, development, and maintenance

Article 38

ICT project and change management

Chapter III

ICT business continuity management

Article 39

Components of the ICT business continuity plan

Article 40

Testing of business continuity plans

Chapter IV

Report on the review of the simplified ICT risk management framework

Article 41

Format and content of the report on the review of the simplified ICT risk management framework

Title IV

Final provisions

Article 42

Entry into force